Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Elliot Lake S.A.D.S.

So I went down to sads to get a dog last month. I thought I'd love and take care of one of those poor abandoned creatures.

The dog I finally decided on was a female lab, shepherd cross. I was told by the woman that was working that I couldn't get that one. She Had man issues......the dog......and the woman obviously. I'm 100% serious, all with a straight face.

The lady with "Man Issues" explained that the dog I wanted was abused by a man, that she only liked women, only did well with women. I found it very hard to keep a straight face.....I wonder why? I had to laugh and then leave.

It was then that I noticed the women working that day, and previous days I'd been there. They all seem to have that tell tale "Abused" look to me now.

I guess they couldn't stop their own abuse so they'll save the animals instead.

Only in Elliot Lake.


Anonymous said...

This is off-topic.

You exposed some good points in local issues that needed to be addressed... but they unfortunately ended much too soon.

"Say what you mean, and mean what you say" is an expression that I believe applies to you, and am in full support of free expression regardless of where it leads to.

Your audience may be small initially, but your traffic would increase over time by word of mouth, especially if your blog continued to tackle similar political incorrect items that you've already brought forward.

That "other" insufferable Elliot Lake blog forum that is so liberal in views, and which practices inbred censorship with abandonment, is one blog that I may check-out only once a year, so that tells you what I feel about them.

So, essentially we're in need of a counterpoint forum that takes a dissident approach to local issues that currently remain buried under an avalanche of liberalism, socialism, culture marxism or whatever ....anything except common sense views and FREE SPEECH!

Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

The reason I didn't keep up with the Blog is I'm way too busy. If you or any other elliot laker would like to submit opinions and articles to be posted on the Blog send them to vex1_evil@hotmail.com and I'll publish them.
