Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welfare Bums

Where do these people come from? It seems that every few months I see a fresh crop of faces, hanging at the mall, smoking, getting in peoples way, and they're all on welfare.

I thought this was a retirement town? Are all these bums retired on welfare? The town is full of them, where do they come from? I know a lot of people who grew up here, none of the ones I know are on welfare. They have jobs here, and if they don't they move to where they can get work. Many have had to leave, sad, but they did what they had to do.

These other people are a drain on the community, the social workers, the police.


Anonymous said...

While you have the right to express your opinion, the language you've used actually discredits your efforts. As shown on your blog that you don't care what others think, you might if you cross the line in the way of slander and defamatory remarks. I also noticed that you're using the moderation feature for comments. A way to alter responses maybe or just delete the ones you don't like or support your viewpoint?

Al said...

Comments can't be altered. As far as sound like someone from the forum.