Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Elliot Lake S.A.D.S.

So I went down to sads to get a dog last month. I thought I'd love and take care of one of those poor abandoned creatures.

The dog I finally decided on was a female lab, shepherd cross. I was told by the woman that was working that I couldn't get that one. She Had man issues......the dog......and the woman obviously. I'm 100% serious, all with a straight face.

The lady with "Man Issues" explained that the dog I wanted was abused by a man, that she only liked women, only did well with women. I found it very hard to keep a straight face.....I wonder why? I had to laugh and then leave.

It was then that I noticed the women working that day, and previous days I'd been there. They all seem to have that tell tale "Abused" look to me now.

I guess they couldn't stop their own abuse so they'll save the animals instead.

Only in Elliot Lake.