Thursday, June 14, 2007

Elliot Lake (Retarded living at it's best..I mean Retirement Living)

Well....once again the residents of Elliot Lake Ontario Canada have been "screwed" by "Retirement Living", otherwise known as "Retarded Living", the Saviour of said town and people. We don't think that, the residents, only the people who work for them and the people who started the whole thing. They have profited nicely off what the miners built. Recently the town council gave the residents another big bone in the rear by selling off a bunch of property to Retarded Living for a pittance, no tender, no one else had a chance at it, it was destined for Retarded Living. They will build lake front lots and profit nicely off it. Anyway, there seems to be a much renewed interest in mining here again, what with the price of Uranium at an all time high. Mines will open, the land will be developed, and retarded Living will profit.

Thanks to Mayor Rick Hamilton (Georges lapdog) and town council.